Monday, May 25, 2009

Why I Started This Blog.

  • I feel like I have a lot to say.
  • I want to communicate and Facebook isn't cutting it.
  • Blogging isn't a distraction to my regular writing, it inspires it.
  • I find myself reading other people's blogs so I might as well start my own.
  • Blogging will help me "practice" writing. I can practice with the narrative, voice, not to mention mechanics.
  • Because in my real life I feel very much repressed. I live in a conservative community, a conservative work place and sometimes I need to communicate without fear of banishment. I can expect judgement. I'm okay with judgement and criticism. Banishment is something altogether different.

Why the name?
Honestly, I got it from a "Facebook" flair. I think "Conform, Go Crazy or Become a Writer" covers the three main categories that I would write about.

Conform- Society, Sociology, Politics, Family and Friends.

Go Crazy- Mental Health, obsessions, compulsions, love, sex, relationships and everything else that drives me crazy.

Become a Writer- My journey on becoming a writer including musings on writing, reviews of books, "free writing" journals, and perhaps excepts from my novel or other writing projects.

Hope you enjoy.